GRaViTY Tool

The GRaViTY tool is a research prototype for the analysis of software design and security, evaluation and execution of refactorings and automated software optimization.

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The GRaViTY-Tool

Today’s software systems tend to be used on a long-term basis, are highly interconnected, share many common parts and often process security-critical data, so that keeping up with ever-changing security precautions, attacks and mitigations is vital to preserve a system’s security. Model-based system development enables us to address security issues already in the the early phases of the software design, as in UML models. The continuous changes in the security assumptions and the design of software systems —for instance, due to structural decay— have to be reflected in both the system models (e.g. UML models) and the system’s implementation (including program models). The detection which change is necessary where has currently to be performed manually by developers.

Using the GRaViTY tool we are studying approaches for automatically detecting and performing necessary changes on a single representation of the system and to keep all other representations synchronized with this changed representation. Allowing developers to develop systems in a model-based manner and dealing with structural decay of long-living systems.


The GRaViTY tool is part of various publications:


The tool can be installed from the following updatesite into Eclipse:

All dependencies should be installed automatically.


GitHub The source code is available at github: repository


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the Eclipse Public License - seet the LICENSE file for details.


Sven Peldszus (
University of Koblenz-Landau
Universitätsstraße 1
56073 Koblenz